好看的小说 > 介绍 > 对过去的回忆和对现在的记录


【书名: 对过去的回忆和对现在的记录 英语单词背诵 作者:作家7TMnEO

对过去的回忆和对现在的记录最新章节 3k小说网欢迎您!很好记哦!http://www.3kxs.net 好看的小说
强烈推荐: 全民转职:驭龙师是最弱职业? 高武:登录未来一万年 游戏王:十代,你管这叫英雄? 大航海:草帽船上的道具师 全民御兽:开局觉醒神话级天赋 开局万亿冥币,厉鬼认我当干爹 盗墓被抓:我挖自家祖坟还犯法? 草帽船上的傲慢之罪 原神:直播问答,开局让甘雨社死 原神:开局被甘雨收养 综漫:从无上至尊开始的穿越之旅 拼夕夕系统附身,六万人砍不死我 换源:        ability,能力

the fact that sb is able to do sth

the system has ability to run more than on eprogram at the same time

everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their ability to pay

a gentle form of exercise will increase your ability to relax

intellengence 智能

a level of skill or intellgence

almost every has some musical ablity

a man of extraordinary ability

students of mixed ability

a woman of her ability will easy to find a job

i try to do my job to the best of my ability =as well as i can


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对过去的回忆和对现在的记录相邻的书:女神的上门豪婿 全民转职:驭龙师是最弱职业? 草帽船上的傲慢之罪 高武:登录未来一万年 全民御兽:开局觉醒神话级天赋 游戏王:十代,你管这叫英雄? 大航海:草帽船上的道具师 原神:开局被甘雨收养 奢侈品:从手工作坊,制霸世界 开局万亿冥币,厉鬼认我当干爹 瞎眼五年,我的学生全成大妖了 在碧蓝当指挥官的悠闲日常